“TIME CHANGED EVERYTHING” by Roy Orbison “TIME CHANGED EVERYTHING” from Roy Orbison’s #MGMYears album THE ORBISON WAY was recorded on this day in 1965!
“TIME CHANGED EVERYTHING” by Roy Orbison “TIME CHANGED EVERYTHING” from Roy Orbison’s #MGMYears album THE ORBISON WAY was recorded on this day in 1965!
“MAYBE” by Roy Orbison “MAYBE” from Roy Orbison’s #MGMYears album THE ORBISON WAY was recorded on this day in 1965! His song “NEVER” was also recorded today.
“CRYING” by Roy Orbison “CRYING” reached #2 on the Billboard chart in October of 1961! Here’s Roy Orbison performing “CRYING” at the Monument Concert in 1965-
Roy Orbison & The Rolling Stones on Tour 50 Years Ago The Rolling Stones got to tour Australia with Roy Orbison in 1965! Rolling Stone Brian Jones and Roy Orbison are pictured here (woman unknown). Both Keith Richards and Bill…
Marianne Faithfull – Official Page released a new album this week! The singer, songwriter, and actress has been a presence in Rock & Roll for the last 50 years. In March of 1965, just a month after coming off tour…